So I am up on stage getting an award for volunteering and helping at my first ever event and I turn around and see all these big-name marketers, influencers, and multimillionaires in the online space. At that time I didn’t even know how to work my phone to take a picture, and that is part of the story. You are probably asking why didn’t I take pictures? Read below…
Let me tell you a quick story how going to this one event and taking action led me to where I am at today.
Here it goes…I was an ex-felon for numerous crimes and have been away under a rock by the federal government for almost 12 years, yes 12 years like you see in the movies. No contact with what is going on except letters phone calls and the occasional photos.
I come out to a whole new world, trying to put my life together and with a borrowed laptop I stumble on an ad about making money online… so you know what I did. Buy the ticket and attend the event. Never have I been to one of these but heck, I wanted to see what was out there in the world and just maybe this might put me on the right track.
Then something happened that changed my life forever…
Go to this event and the energy just waiting to get inside was just unbelievable people taking pictures, doing videos, I was like now this is cool. Something different from the people I normally hang-out with. While waiting in line some one yells out we are looking for volunteers to help with the even. I am like, I am already here…why not. So I volunteer, heck I could always say later I am cool if I didn’t like it.
At the time, I had no idea the impact this would have. The problem was…
I was still covering up my ankle bracelet, didn’t know how to work my phone that talked to me. Haven’t engaged with this much people in a while but I had access to inner workings backstage and the people that I didn’t even know. Some of them would change the world but I knew right then and there while volunteering that this might be the change I was looking for. I took the opportunity to start some of these relationships that would turn the course of my life forever. I was hooked, and after watching some of these dynamic speakers tell their stories. I told myself no matter how long it took I would be doing the same thing in the future.
Just when I thought things were going good mentally…
My probation officer gives me a call and says “where are you at, I need you to come down right now and give me a sample” after I explain where I am at and volunteering she says just come in an hour. I tell the co-ordinator I have to go and run out for a little bit. Needless to say driving to the urine sample I tell myself can I catch a break? I am here trying to better my life and I found what I wanted to do.
Here is where what they call rock-bottom because you need a computer to do online business…

you also need to hone your skills with video, autoresponders, knowing how to talk, and make it a true skill to get it all done. All of this needs to get done while buying courses, learning how the pro’s did it like I seen backstage with thousands of people watching.
That’s when I asked Russell Brunson to do an interview with me not knowing he would change the landscape and become the highest-paid speaker of all time selling from the stage. After this interview (you can’t even do this anymore with him) he told me I like your story, your enthusiasm but what I told him backstage because I got to hang out with him for a few days…I will see you again and I would like to learn and go through the process of it all. How dumb was I to not take him up on his offer at the time.
Then, something happened that changed everything...after this interview
Told myself, I was going to get my job to keep the government off my back and use the money to learn a new skill, take my time, and get the ins and outs of the business, all while watching other people excel. That didn’t bother me at all because I was looking at the end game. This was the spark that led me down a path that no only saved me from doing my old things but turned me into the person I am today. Because he tried to help me once, and now I do the same. In fact this man won a Ferrari at the end of the event for being the top affiliate. I really don’t know if this program still exist. In fact he talks about winning this Ferrari in some of his webinars and how he won the Ferrari but still had to keep bringing in affiliates to keep his income level up…but that is another story.
Here is what happened next…
After this event, I started to take courses, get my hands on webinars and paid for them. Found more mentors on FB, opted in to their emails, became good friends unit this day, and followed what they were all doing till this day.
Some of these guys and girls I still reach out too, in fact we are still close fb friends and much more. They give me hints on what is coming out, what is working and kept encouraging me to stay the course. Rubbing shoulders with big names noticing you again and again makes you feel like a superstar already. In fact people started taking pictures with me thinking I was someone already. Do you know what that can do for you confidence level? Through the roof!!
I was forever changed at this one event I had no clue anything about…
And that is the reason I have never stopped over the years. One event, a few people, and the right timing has changed things for me and now I help others with the backstory. Now I am able to help write messages like a pro, connected with the right influencers, help others with the process, and all while becoming a father, husband and still hold my job on the Las Vegas strip (a job I truly love).
So how do you feel about this story…What I would like you to take away from this?
If there was ever a doubt that you could do something that could change the course of your life, not maybe in a matter of days, but as a person and a professional please stay the course and never give up. Let time do it’s thing and use it to your advantage. Do things you never have done before, learn from the frustrations, take things in moderation its all part of the process to get to where you want to be.
I have been blessed and just want to share all those pitfalls that can make it better for you. I absolutely know you can do it, because if I can from being under a rock I surely know you can…you just need a little help and I will be here when you do.