Well. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. So I just want to jump on with you guys today. You know, this is like the third time I was trying to make this video for you guys, but understand that I got my PowerPoint over here on the left. So I’d be looking at my notes over here, but I just want to drop you this short
before anything else happens because you know, as you can tell, you mean I was going to do a video with the baby carrier on, but it’s figure it off. I got them to sleep, forgot, jump on and make these short eight-minute video, 10 minutes and figure out how we can get you going in the right direction on this Monday morning so that you guys can move on with a better life. That you guys actually have a what’s up? Good morning.
So here’s the topic of the day guys. Can you become someone no one thought you could be?…

I mean, I sit here as a prime example of how someone can take all the negativity, everything that I’ve been through. And you know, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of things that I’ve been through in my life that I just want to say that if you ever think that you can be anything that you wanted to be and prove people wrong, including yourself, which is the number one thing you’re going to be doing is something that a lot of people, they don’t want to step to the plate or they want to figure out like, is somebody going gonna do it for them? I’m here to tell you that everybody that thinks you can do it, where there’s a lot of people here right now on this live video that has proven that they can do something more than what they’re accomplishing, right?
So let’s start this PowerPoint and usually I would have the thing on the screen, but you know, baby might be crying. So I got to go attend to him. And I’ve been reading a lot of stuff and I just want to shoot this, so here we go guys, step by step how you can become someone no one thought you could be, not even you. And then there are a few things that you have to understand that, you got to take all these blessings that you have, all these detrimental things that you’ve been through in life that’s going to make you understand that all those failures, all those struggles, all those things, and all those things that made you who you are today.

Now, whether you stay in that same, same person or you want to become something better. You know, usually I do these things to help motivate people on the Monday inspiration and as you know, a lot of, a lot of times there are people that just might need to here this. I’m going to give you a quoted excerpt or quote video that I use on a daily basis from this YouTube video by He’s motivation. You know, I watch a lot of motivational stuff and that, that makes me attune to who I’m talking to, and then it does, help me a lot because this way I can share the message into everything else that you got going on. Because a lot of the times somebody just needs a kick in the butt or some spark that might move you in the right direction so that you can become the person no one thought you could be, whether if you’re doing something for your business, self-help, becoming a life coach, becoming up a mentor for other people. You know, I get, I get calls all the time, messages all the time…that 20 years later, people that have changed their lives because, and I had a very colorful past in the beginning, but they always told me they always got them. I just got a message the other day. “I’ll never forget you for trying to take me off the streets”… 20 years later. In fact, this was a message I just got because I’m a person that used to work for me a long time ago that she’ll never forget that I tried to take off the street between the ages of 14 and 18 because she was on the streets doing stuff, so I gave her a direction and she said, “30 years later you’re still doing the same thing just on a different platform.”

I said, exactly. This is all, it’s always been in my heart to help the most people I can, whether it’s using my knowledge, using the wisdom, being in tune with what you want, how you want it, where you want it and figure out what to do, but that’s just enough about me.
This is all about you guys, right? So why is this certain channel so important that you guys might want to look at? You know, these channel brings motivation, inspiration and certain things of millions of people and in my opinion, they take the best of relevant speakers and chop, chop the little quotes and make very in the inspiration. The topics that I take from that, that I share with you guys. You mean you can find them on YouTube when you’re falling? A little doubt about yourself. Just listen to them. You know, I listened to them before you start my morning.
But you know, when you find them on YouTube and when you’re feeling a little bit of doubt, just listen and absorb, I promise you you will get something out of it. Right? So my other topic was, is, you know, the “aha” moment or big idea here is basically, the big idea here is slowly but surely you can and will become that person, that coach, that husband, that father, that wife, that sister, that daughter, that mentor that you know you can be. And who sets the examples for others to follow who has been down that same Rocky path? You don’t mean sure, you might have some certain things that you might be doing. Sure. You might have some experiences that you want to share with the world so that nobody takes that same path that you, I do that with the real talk program with these youth.

You what I mean? And you know, if you are doing something good for yourself or others and be able to prove to not just other people. The most important person you’re going to prove it to… is actually to yourself.
This is an accomplished feeling knowing that a Julina, Laurie, how’s it going? So you mean a lot of the times people look at certain things and understand that they have a value they have, they have inspirational qualities, they have things they want to give to certain people. And you know, it’s time to give back. If you are at work, whether you’re coaching kids, whether you’re doing something for other people, whether you’re a spiritual coach and or inspirational stylist…it doesn’t matter what field you’re picking in, right.
So here’s how this applies to us and improving one’s character guys, right? Number one, start making a difference. Look around that circle that you have around you. Make or draw a diagram and then figure out who’s going to be listening, who’s going to be hearing your words on a daily basis because let’s face it guys if you can give a little piece of yourself, because say it can moves you to have endorphins when you giving some sort of value or you’re going to be giving something, some insights that you don’t want them going down that same road, that same path that you have.
Number two, can you set the example for others to follow? You know, one of the main things that I promised myself is to set an example with all the pain, the suffering, the tears, the cries, the emotions that I ever had. I don’t want anybody to figure that out. Feel the same way as out. So what I do now, and I hope you do it for you, is for yourself, is to use that as the biggest vibration energy though. Whatever you, the light that’s in you to share with other people so that you can move into the direction they want. Let’s face it guys, you are the beacon. I keep telling this even with this other coaching program that I’m a part of? Well, basically, you have to become an example and you have to lead by that because let’s face it, a lot of people need direction and why…why not? Why not be the person giving the direction, whether it’s crafting personal development, coaching it doesn’t matter. And to become the person that wants to move people forward in their life.

You know, some people, they don’t want to hear it and I get it, but that’s alright because it all takes time. I didn’t want to hear in the past, you know, I could tell you a short story about it, but then that would take a whole another 20 minutes. I don’t want to do that. So I use those lessons as blessings for you, yourself, and your family so that you can move on and help other people do that. So guys, let’s put this into action, right? Let keep it short, fast, simple… something that might be able to push you in the right direction.
Start breaking the habits that are not getting you anywhere, whether you’re hanging around the wrong people, whether you’re doing something that is not beneficial to your inner being.
It might be something you might have to look at and start moving away from, you know, stop complaining if you’re not willing to work at change. You know, working at change is one of the biggest things to do.
You become this person, a different person in this process and you’re going to be happy about it because you’re going to look back one month from now, one year from now, five years from now, seven years from now, who you’ve become, and then you’re going to regret wasting all that other time.
The best time to do it… just starting now. Whether you’re scared of it and you’re uncomfortable, you’re even like this techie stuff, right? Or you can nerd out on something or just nerd out on your self being in a, being a tune with yourself.
Then number three, start mirroring other people’s successful habits. Right? You know, so a lot of the times we mirror other people. Why not mirror the books they’re read, the things they do, the habits that they have.
You know, slowly but surely you’re going to figure out that these people do some things different that you might not, it might be something small, might be waking up 15 minutes ahead of your class schedule, not wasting the time on stuff that doesn’t matter for your future. Create your future with what time you have.
What’s the most valuable thing people have that they take granted for? You might do things like jump on a webinar or listen to other YouTube videos. Pay for the courses that you need to get to, to get to that level that you want to. Go out and go to events and meet people and see what they’re doing and become actual friends. You know, I’m in a lot of groups, a lot of groups that do certain things, whether it’s marketing, sales, self-help, self-improvement, coaching mastery program, all this stuff

I’m in a lot of groups, copy sales, messaging, all this stuff that I compiled a lot of these information and I share them with other people.
So all I’m doing is becoming a connector so that this person I might be helping that needs certain things cause I’m in tune with what they want. I want them to just move on. And this is what’s been working. I can tell you a lot of examples of what’s going on in the world and what’s changing. But you know, that’ll be like a whole different other webinars.
We keep these short, you know, watch videos, look, look it up. What other successful people are reading. You know, I’m, I’m reading this book right now by Dan pink and I learned something really, really, really, really good because for years I’ve been trying to find out what quality do I have.
Am I an introvert? And I’m an extrovert. The term clinically used for what he is, is called, I’m what I’m called, I’m called an ambivert. And an ambivert is having that balance between being an extrovert and an introvert in between and learning how to move people in the right direction. And you know, that’s one of the books that kind of like brought a big eye-opener for me because I always knew there was something different about other people. And if I can them in the right direction, that would be something that would be actually helpful for the things that I do in life. All right guys and say.

Oh, by the way, most probably don’t want to hear this, but some of them might want to and have nowhere to turn.
They might be comfortable in their life, but in the background, they’re always looking for something that gonna get them rich faster. You mean to save money, avoid time, avoid effort, and actually want to sit on the couch and do Jack shit. Right? But I mean her day you, but if you’re watching this and you’re not going through all my babble, then I encourage you to take small steps towards whatever you want to accomplish and figure out how we can get you in that better place of your life. Whether it’s something small yet, it can be something small, small accomplishments go a long way with what you got going on in your life. Right. You know? So like, let’s see if you’re an achiever who seriously wants to really make this work for you. I like you. I like to invite you to watch more of these videos.
You know, share them with people that you know, tell them a personal story about how you met me, what I’ve done, what, what you’ve seen, how things have changed for you since and I’ll be posting more of these videos.
So what I do is I try to write a blog post. I’m being real honest with you, with the content that’s being done on this video. So what I do is I transcribe it like you see here and I turn it into a piece of content and I figure, I put it on my blog. I put in my YouTube, I put it on Vimeo, I put it on Instagram, right? So this way more people can gain the knowledge that they’re looking for because people are looking for knowledge.
Why not make you the person, have that knowledge and figure out how you can help. Because it’s always going to be about you, my viewers. It’s always going to be all about my clients. It’s going to be all about the people I want to touch. You mean because when I’m, I’m going to give you a short story, right?

How do I know I’ve been blessed,? I mean, it’s going to be when I was, I was worried about certain things when Andon was born. So we had a prayer and you got blessed. I think I’m blessed and just so happened the person blessing me… blessing me was a retired federal probation officer when he blessed Andrea, before, we had Andon, right? The main thing that happened. What happened was I was praying also, I was on the chair wishing for nothing in my past comes up, have a healthy boy…start my life over and there was a warmth that came over me that I cannot describe and that was just a warm of everything that I knew from before.
Everything that happened in the past, everything got all washed away in this glow, gooey glow thing. That helped me understand that he exists. And so you know when you open up your heart to the man up above whoever you believe in with an S and stuff like that, understand that he’s going to be protecting you and not understand that. I never had this feeling before and I just want to share that with you. And usually I would put that in a story, but I just had this inclination to bring it out because now I know the purpose of why I’m here, why I’m still here, why I’m not still locked up, is to touch you guys, to touch people that come in contact with you, me people, to move in the right direction so that you can have, all right guys. So if you want more of this type of content, I’m head over to ’em. You can find me on all social media channels. I’ll be putting, posting us on my blog and doing things for you.

Have a beautiful day. I have a beautiful Monday guys. And remember guys, the more you give, the more you’re going to get. So understand and be kind to people. A lot of times there’s not enough kindness in the world that should be going around, and I just wanted to wish you a happy Monday. Stay blessed and I’ll catch you on the next one. Bye.