It’s a good rule of thumb to seek folks who are currently working at higher levels for help if you’re looking to advance in your profession, online, offline or even just looking for a different lifestyle. After all, they are in the position that they are in for a reason. Some call it luck, others timing, but why is it that some always get the breaks and some don’t.
They more than likely embody a number of different attributes and characteristics that have assisted them in reaching this level of achievement…follow the signs and the clues it leaves.
Model your behavior after theirs, and you will have a high chance of achieving similar levels of achievement.
It’s interesting to note that the majority of higher-level professionals share a same set of features. Dr. Susan Bernstein, for example, recommends number 5 in particular. These are the kinds of characteristics that will benefit anyone, regardless of their field, sector. In order to further your career, review the list below and determine whether or not you have to work on any to accomplish in any of the categories listed.
5 Strategic Thinking Qualities of High Level Professionals
*Strategic Thinking
As Bernstein points out, higher-level professionals are more strategic thinkers, while those at lower levels are more tactical thinkers. Greater depth of understanding of where the organization is heading and how all of its various sections are interconnected and demonstrated by more sophisticated employees. They have a clear vision and are able to recognize how their day-to-day duties and initiatives contribute to the achievement of the organization’s overall goals and objectives.
*Results should be framed in terms of their impact on the business.
Bernstein further claims that higher-level executives are always considering the implications of their actions on the company’s bottom line. They don’t merely convey that they’ve completed a project; instead, they discuss the measurable impact that project has had—or will have—on the organization as a result of its completion. Basically looking at the goals of objectives.
*Exude Executive Presence at all times, the “IT”
Perhaps you’ve noticed that the majority of higher-level professionals exude a confident, calm manner when under pressure. According to Bernstein, this is a typical characteristic that is commonly referred to as executive presence. To be successful at the highest levels of management, you must be able to compete with other top executives. That implies that you are self-assured, capable of being composed and in control in the face of challenging and unpredictable situations, and capable of making difficult judgments in a powerful and timely manner. Do you have that quality? Can you make those decisions when there are huge zero’s at the end of the account.
*Other People’s Attitudes And Positive Influence
Influencing those around you is an important part of being a successful high-level professional. As you progress up the metaphorical corporate ladder, as a person, a coach or just as a parent your abilities become increasingly visible. Because the higher you climb the corporate ladder, the life ladder the more critical it is to be able to get people on board with your ideas just because. Good leaders direct their energies and influence the proper way, and keep their people motivated even when things get tough or go south.
*Soft Skills And Emotional Intelligence
In conclusion, Bernstein asserts that the most successful high-level professionals own and use great soft talents, such as emotional intelligence, communication, and stress management techniques. Given that this is one area where there is a significant competency gap in the workforce as a whole, individuals who are well-versed in these important abilities are more likely to profit and get those possibilities.
It should come as no surprise that higher-level professionals share a number of characteristics. These are the kinds of abilities that make you stand out in the job and enable you to function at a higher level.
Observe persons in positions of authority in your organization and make a note of the attributes that have assisted them in achieving their position. Then follow their example and see how you can behave similarly. It’s similar like following a tried-and-true formula for success.
Loving bringing some of my research to light and full article is found here: