Attention: Parents, Guardians Or Grandparents Of Teens With An Attitude
Discover How To Transform Your Strained And Stressful Relationship With Your Troubled Teen To One Of Respect, Trust, And Love In less than 90 Days.
(WITHOUT Having To Pay A High Priced Shrink Or Depending On The Broken School System)
This message is for every worried parent or grandparent that is currently dealing with an angry, violent, depressed, isolated, or resentful teen and can’t figure out how to communicate with them, but knows there is still that happy child inside of them.
When it comes to your ‘so called” misunderstood teen, are you
At your wits’ end trying to talk to your teen?
Feeling disconnected in your relationship?
Constantly struggling to ‘get through’?
Are you being ignored or disrespected every time you ask them to do something?
At a loss as to how to deal with it all?
Constantly worried about their self-destructive behavior?
Worried about their ongoing pattern of poor or dangerous choices?
Losing sleep in fear of being ‘blindsided’ AGAIN by their emotional reaction?
Are you exhausted because no matter what you say or do, they just don’t care or seem to get it?
Feeling out of control because you don’t know what to do or how to discipline them?
Tired of mood swings, anger, or depression?
Scared about getting that call in the middle of the night?
You are not alone if you answered yes to any of these.
What if we told you no matter what you tell your teen everything that is going to come out is going to be wrong? “You just don’t know how it is nowadays,” “You don’t understand how it is with our generation,” and “It was different when you were younger” are just a few examples.
When you try to give some sort of advice like any parent would do, does it immediately start an argument or a fight for no reason at all
When you try to reason, violence or anger is the next thing, so you just don’t say a word because you are worried about the next course of action.
Does that sound like the life you’re living right now? Does any of it resonate or come even close to some of the things going on in your household, and you and your family have no freaking idea how to deal with this anymore?
Are You Living This DISRESPECT Right Now!!
In the midst of a world where we are conditioned to believe that we must be liked by everyone and that every choice we make needs to be approved by others, we’re forgetting that in life, there are really only two types of choices: good ones and bad ones. And when it comes to making choices, it’s having the right tools in place emotionally that can make a huge difference in everyone’s world… Especially in your situation right now.
How does Real Talk know this? All our members were once that young misunderstood youth, angry, defiant, went to the streets, had the attitude, were reckless, hung with the wrong crowd, got into gangs, became every parent’s worst nightmare to seek attention, all for nothing, because we all ended up in prison for a very long time, and have the emotional scars and stories to prove it.
With over 100 years of incarceration time with our volunteer members, we have a vast amount of street knowledge and wisdom about how your youth are feeling and the reason why they are doing the things they are doing at this moment in your family’s life
…and the members can supply solutions that no so-called expert can because they have never experienced it.
Real Talk members and its foundation only want what is best for your family, using the knowledge you will never get anywhere else. We provide stories, situations, and even some bad details of what it is to live the life your youth is thinking is glorified….the program tries to change that belief, so the families have a better understanding of the drama, outcomes and pitfalls that come with it.
The youth of today rely on social media, consume music, and so on. They crave the bling, the money, and the fame, but are unaware of the implications and realities behind it all.
We want to help the parents understand their youth, and give an objective point of view to both the youth and parents separately, so they never have to go through the tears, the justice system, financial strain, and the trauma the members have felt, lived and have gone through.
Real Talk’s Game Plan is a tool that gives youth the knowledge, skills, and confidence to deal with life’s challenges and situations when they do arise…and it will.
It helps them make better choices when the time comes because it will happen, could happen and probably have happened.
This plan gives the youth a chance for self-esteem, confidence, and a better understanding of whom they can become potentially and have a true purpose being themselves.
“Change One Meeting and Game Plan Workshop as a team and extended family.”
An effective life-saving framework and game plan for helping youth regain their productive potential by focusing on their strengths and being able to communicate better without having all that teenage attitude that you get day in and day out. Within one hour, you’ll receive reasonable answers that make sense for you and your family, along with actionable steps so you can actually sleep better at night, knowing they have some tools to make better choices.
Learn how to relate to your adolescent in today’s society without seeming intrusive. Real Talk’s game-plan is for that misunderstood youth headed down that destructive path. This game plan will hand over the emotional tools and guidance needed to overcome life’s challenges without pressure, using real live examples from real life people they look up to.
A Quick Plan to help parents understand and navigate their misunderstood youth and help teens change the way they perceive themselves, without all the backlash and attitude. Possibly have a better understanding in as little as 2 hours per meetup listening to true stories and testimonies that can literally help change the trajectory of your youth and the parents sanity.
Access to activities and resources to help you have meaningful conversations with your youth that you know and love. Learn to build that love hate relationship that you have now, into a reasonable conversation without the yelling and frustration.
Availability activity funds up to $150 per child to keep them on track so they can stay busy without no out of pocket fees, just a small grade check, thank you letter, and time contribution to help the foundation move forward.
And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with “Change One Meetups and its workshops” in the first 2 hrs and watch the seeds get planted with genuine life experiences, so you can stop banging your head against the wall, or worried if everyday is this the day you get the call….
So again, if you’re a parent or guardian that is looking for help with their angry, attitude giving or misunderstood youth;
And you just want the best for them but just have no idea how to deal with a situation like this without giving up or throwing in the towel on the good kid that you know and still love…. it’s not too late.
With what is going in the world and the direction, the sooner you can trust your youth now, the easier you can sleep…
Every day you wait is another day a bad choice can be made that will affect the whole family…
You deserve to have a life without more added stress with everything being thrown at you as a parent already.
We are so excited to announce the game plan and meetups and get $150 a month per child for an activity of their choice, a safe place to participate on different teen workshops, and much more to come within the center.
We know that as parents, you have so many responsibilities, and one of them is keeping your kids busy with something positive. But finding the time and money to do that can be hard. We want to help!
Here’s Exactly What You’re Going To Get With Change One Meeting and Game Plan Workshops
Access to a life-saving framework and game plan to assist youth rediscover their productive potential by concentrating on their talents and communicating better without all the teenage attitude. You’ll get realistic answers and actionable solutions in an hour, so you can sleep better at night.
Learn how to communicate with your teen without sounding intrusive. Real Talk is for misunderstood teens on a disastrous road. This plan gives emotional tools to face life’s obstacles without pressure, utilizing real-life experiences. So you never have to experience and turmoils you hear about in the news.
A Quick Plan to assist parents understand their misunderstood kids and help them transform their self-perception. Listening to actual experiences and testimony can transform their youth’s trajectory in as little as 2 hours per meetup, and letting an objective 3rd party help break the ice for talking points within your dynamics.
Gain access to digital activities and tools to help you connect with your youth. Build your love-hate relationship into a rational discussion without yelling and rage. Learn tools as a family to prevent future outbursts and know how to spot them faster.
BONUS #1: In House 5pt Parent Session ($199 per hour Value)
This therapeutic session counseling holds the keys to respecting what your child is going through at the time without a loss for communication and get inside your childs feeling quicker without guessing, yelling and be able pinpoint the problems your youth might be having and be able to deal with it with emotional tools of your own without being offensive.
BONUS #2: The 4 A’s of Accountability ($199 per hour Value)
This communication dynamic session is the key to instantly come up with ways to have a stronger relationship within the family … communicate better and decisive tools for all members and stop getting angry when different opinions are brought up, and to be able to talk it out. This session on Acceptance is a must have.
BONUS #3: One on One’s with Speakers ($199 per hour Value)
This golden opportutnity holds the secret for your family to have an open conversations of the pitfalls from both family side and youth which enables you to having stubborn ice breaking points brought out into the open and to start building a stronger family ties from people that have the experiences on both the parent side and your youth. This is the eye-opener families want be never had before.
If “Change One Meeting and Game Plan” doesn’t help you your youth to hear live testimonies from people that have been in your kids shoes and paid dearly by being incarcerated for poor choices… if it doesn’t get change started in the household by giving options and working together for the good of the family dynamics… or if it fails to get funding for your family to keep your youth busy instead of being a burden…
Then let us know, and will we find resources for you that you are looking for.
Here’s Everything You Get Today
✅Real Talk Game Plan
($497 Value)
✅Change One Meetings
(priceless Value)
✅Real Talk Parent Group
($497 Value)
✅Parent Summarizer
(Save Your Sannity Value)
✅RTA Game Changer Worksheet
(Priceless Insight)
✅Ice Breaker Workshop with Speaker Members
($199 per hour Value)
Total Value: $ close to 600
But today, you’re getting all of this…
Here’s to transforming your misunderstood, attitude giving angry youth!
Gordon Wat
PS – Tired of being sick and tired? Want more information? Stay on top of things so you can get the latest and newest programs and resources available to you.